Hardware Reference
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some computation. The data path is important in all machines and we will discuss
it at great length throughout this topic.
ALU input register
ALU input bus
ALU output register
Figure 2-2. The data path of a typical von Neumann machine.
The ALU itself performs addition, subtraction, and other simple operations on
its inputs, thus yielding a result in the output register. This output register can be
stored back into a register. Later on, the register can be written (i.e., stored) into
memory, if desired. Not all designs have the A , B , and output registers. In the ex-
ample, addition is illustrated, but ALUs can also perform other operations.
Most instructions can be divided into one of two categories: register-memory
or register-register. Register-memory instructions allow memory words to be
fetched into registers, where, for example, they can be used as ALU inputs in sub-
sequent instructions. (''Words'' are the units of data moved between memory and
registers. A word might be an integer. We will discuss memory organization later
in this chapter.) Other register-memory instructions allow registers to be stored
back into memory.
The other kind of instruction is register-register. A typical register-register in-
struction fetches two operands from the registers, brings them to the ALU input
registers, performs some operation on them (such as addition or Boolean AND),
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