Hardware Reference
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4. Suppose that CS = 40, DS = 8000, and IP = 20.
a. What is the absolute address of the next instruction?
b. If MOV AX , (2) is executed, which memory word is loaded into AX ?
5. A subroutine with three integer arguments is called following the calling sequence
described in the text, that is, the caller pushes the arguments onto the stack in reverse
order, then executes a CALL instruction. The callee then saves the old BP and sets the
new BP to point to the saved old one. Then the stack pointer is decremented to allocate
space for local variables. With these conventions, give the instruction needed to move
the first argument into AX .
6. In Fig. C-1 the expression de
hw is used as an operand. This value is the difference
of two labels. Might there be circumstances in which de
hw could be used as a valid
operand? Discuss your answer.
7. Give the assembly code for computing the expression:
8. A C function is called by
foobar(x, y);
Give the assembly code for making this call.
9. Write an assembly language program to accept input expressions consisting of an inte-
ger, an operator, and another integer and output the value of the expression. Allow the
, and / operators..Pc
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