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The first part of the program prepares to call vecmul by saving SP in BP and
then pushing the addresses of vec2 and vec1 onto the stack so that vecmul will have
access to them. Then the length of the vector in bytes is loaded in CX on line 8.
By shifting this result right one bit, on line 9, CX now contains the number of
words in the vector, which is pushed onto the stack on line 10. The call to vecmul
is made on line 11.
Once again, it is worth mentioning that the arguments of subroutines are, by
convention, pushed onto the stack in reverse order to be compatible with the C call-
ing convention. In this way, vecmul can also be called from C using
vecmul(count, vec1, vec2)
During the CALL instruction, the return address is pushed onto the stack. If the pro-
gram is traced, then this address turns out to be 0x0011.
The first instruction in the subroutine is a PUSH of the base pointer, BP , on line
22. BP is saved because we will need this register to address the arguments and the
local variables of the subroutine. Next, the stack pointer is copied to the BP regis-
ter on line 23, so that the new value of the base pointer is pointing to the old value.
Now everything is ready for loading the arguments into registers and for
reserving space for a local variable. In the next three lines, each of the arguments
is fetched from the stack and put in a register. Recall that the stack is word ori-
ented, so stack addresses should be even. The return address is next to the old base
pointer so it is addressed by 2 ( BP ). The count argument is next and addressed by
4 ( BP ). It is loaded into CX on line 24. In lines 25 and 26, SI is loaded with vec1
and DI is loaded with vec2 . This subroutine needs one local variable with initial
value 0 to save the intermediate result, so the value 0 is pushed on line 27.
The state of the processor just before the loop is entered on line 28 for the first
time is shown in Fig. C-15. The narrow window in the middle of the top row (to
the right of the registers) shows the stack. At the bottom of the stack is the address
of vec2 (0x0022), with vec1 (0x0018) above it and the third argument, the number
of items in each vector (0x0005) above that. Next comes the return address
(0x0011). The number 1 to the left of this address indicates it is a return address
one level from the main program. In the window below the registers, the same
number 1 is shown, this time giving its symbolic address. Above the return
address in the stack is the old value of BP (0x7fc0) and then the zero pushed on
line 27. The arrow pointing to this value indicates where SP points. The window
to the right of the stack shows a fragment of the program text, with the arrow indi-
cating the next instruction to be executed.
Now let us examine the loop starting at line 28. The instruction LODS loads a
memory word indirectly through the register SI from the data segment into AX .
Because the direction flag is set, LODS is in auto-increment mode, so after the
instruction SI will point to the next entry of vec1 .
To see this effect graphically, start the tracer with the command
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