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R3 = 200
R3 = 200
R4 = 200
R4 = 200
R3 = 100
R4 = 200
R3 = 200
R4 = 200
R4 = 200
R3 = 100
R4 = 100
R3 = 100
Write 200
Read 2x
Read 2x
Figure 8-24. (a) Two CPUs writing and two CPUs reading a common memory
word. (b)-(d) Three possible ways the two writes and four reads might be inter-
leaved in time.
However—and this is the essence of sequential consistency—no matter what, a
sequentially consistent memory will never allow CPU 3 to get (100, 200) while
CPU 4 gets (200, 100). If this were to occur, it would mean that according to CPU
3, the write of 100 by CPU 1 completed after the write of 200 by CPU 2. That is
fine. But it would also mean that according to CPU 4, the write of 200 by CPU 2
completed before the write of 100 by CPU 1. By itself, this result is also possible.
The problem is that sequential consistency guarantees that there is a single global
ordering of all writes that is visible to all CPUs. If CPU 3 observes that 100 was
written first, then CPU 4 must also see this order.
While sequential consistency is not as powerful a rule as strict consistency, it is
still very useful. In effect, it says that when multiple events are happening concur-
rently, there is some true order in which they occur. Possibly it is determined by
timing and chance, but a true ordering exists and all processors observe this same
order. Although this statement may seem obvious, below we will discuss consis-
tency models that do not guarantee even this much.
Processor Consistency
A looser consistency model, but one that is easier to implement on large multi-
processors, is processor consistency (Goodman, 1989). It has two properties:
1. Writes by any CPU are seen by all in the order they were issued.
2. For every memory word, all CPUs see writes to it in the same order.
Both of these points are important. The first point says that if CPU 1 issues writes
with values 1A, 1B, and 1C to some memory location in that sequence, then all
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