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5.4.5 Register Indirect Addressing
In this mode, the operand being specified comes from memory or goes to
memory, but its address is not hardwired into the instruction, as in direct ad-
dressing. Instead, the address is contained in a register. An address used in this
manner is called a pointer . A big advantage of register indirect addressing is that
it can reference memory without paying the price of having a full memory address
in the instruction. It can also use different memory words on different executions
of the instruction.
To see why using a different word on each execution might be useful, imagine
a loop that steps through the elements of a 1024-element one-dimensional integer
array to compute the sum of the elements in register R1 . Outside the loop, some
other register, say, R2 , can be set to point to the first element of the array, and an-
other register, say, R3 , can be set to point to the first address beyond the array.
With 1024 integers of 4 bytes each, if the array begins at A , the first address
beyond the array will be A
4096. Typical assembly code for doing this calcula-
tion is shown in Fig. 5-17 for a two-address machine.
MOV R1,#0
; accumulate the sum in R1, initially 0
; R2 = address of the array A
MOV R3,#A+4096
; R3 = address of the first word beyond A
; register indirect through R2 to get operand
ADD R2,#4
; increment R2 by one word (4 bytes)
; are we done yet?
; if R2 < R3, we are not done, so continue
Figure 5-17. A generic assembly program for computing the sum of the ele-
ments of an array.
In this little program, we use several addressing modes. The first three instruc-
tions use register mode for the first operand (the destination) and immediate mode
for the second operand (a constant indicated by the # sign). The second instruction
puts the address of A in R2 , not the contents. That is what the # sign tells the
assembler. Similarly, the third instruction puts the address of the first word beyond
the array in R3 .
What is interesting to note is that the body of the loop itself does not contain
any memory addresses. It uses register and register indirect mode in the fourth in-
struction. It uses register and immediate mode in the fifth instruction and register
mode twice in the sixth instruction. The BLT might use a memory address, but
more likely it specifies the address to branch to with an 8-bit offset relative to the
BLT instruction itself. By avoiding the use of memory addresses completely, we
have produced a short, fast loop. As an aside, this program is really for the Core
i7, except that we have renamed the instructions and registers and changed the
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