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dedicated incrementer so that the main ALU is not needed to increment it to get the
next word. The IFU must monitor the C bus so that whenever PC is loaded, the
new PC value is also copied into IMAR . Since the new value in PC may not be on a
word boundary, the IFU has to fetch the necessary word and adjust the shift regis-
ter appropriately.
With the IFU, the main execution unit writes to PC only when the sequential
nature of the instruction byte stream must be changed. It writes on a successful
branch instruction and on INVOKEVIRTUAL and IRETURN .
Since the microprogram no longer explicitly increments PC as opcodes are
fetched, the IFU must keep PC current. It does this by sensing when a byte from
the instruction stream has been consumed, that is, when MBR1 or MBR2 (or the un-
signed versions) have been read. Associated with PC is a separate incrementer, ca-
pable of incrementing by 1 or 2, depending on how many bytes have been con-
sumed. Thus the PC always contains the address of the first byte that has not been
consumed. At the beginning of each instruction, MBR contains the address of the
opcode for that instruction.
Note that there are two separate incrementers and they perform different func-
tions. PC counts bytes and increments by 1 or 2. IMAR counts words and incre-
ments only by 1 (for 4 new bytes). Like MAR , IMAR is wired to the address bus
''diagonally'' with IMAR bit 0 connected to address line 2, and so on, to perform an
implicit conversion of word addresses to byte addresses.
As we will see shortly in detail, not having to increment PC in the main loop is
a big win, because the microinstruction in which PC is incremented often does lit-
tle else except increment PC . If this microinstruction can be eliminated, the execu-
tion path can be reduced. The trade-off here is more hardware for a faster ma-
chine, so our third technique for reducing path length is
Have instructions fetched from memory by a specialized functional unit.
4.4.3 A Design with Prefetching: The Mic-2
The IFU can greatly reduce the path length of the average instruction. First, it
eliminates the main loop entirely, since the end of each instruction simply branches
directly to the next instruction. Second, it avoids tying up the ALU incrementing
PC . Third, it reduces the path length whenever a 16-bit index or offset is calcu-
lated, because it assembles the 16-bit value and supplies it directly to the ALU as a
32-bit value, avoiding the need for assembly in H . Figure 4-29 shows the Mic-2,
an enhanced version of the Mic-1 where the IFU of Fig. 4-27 has been added. The
microcode for the enhanced machine is shown in Fig. 4-30.
As an example of how the Mic-2 works, look at IADD . It fetches the second
word on the stack and does the addition as before, only now it does not have to go
to Main1 when it is done to increment PC and dispatch to the next microinstruction.
When the IFU sees that MBR1 has been referenced in iadd3 , its internal shift regis-
ter pushes everything to the right and reloads MBR1 and MBR2 . It also makes a
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