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GHz and more, few existing PC buses are much faster. For example, the popular
PCI bus usually runs at either 33 or 66 MHz, and the upgraded (but now defunct)
PCI-X bus ran at a speed of up to 133 MHz. The reasons current buses are slow
were given above: technical design problems such as bus skew and the need for
backward compatibility.
In our example, we will further assume that reading from memory takes 15
nsec from the time the address is stable. As we will see shortly, with these parame-
ters, it will take three bus cycles to read a word. The first cycle starts at the rising
edge of T 1 and the third one ends at the rising edge of T 4 , as shown in the figure.
Note that none of the rising or falling edges has been drawn vertically, because no
electrical signal can change its value in zero time. In this example we will assume
that it tak es 1 nsec for a signal to change. The clock, ADDRESS , DATA , MREQ , RD ,
and WAIT lines are all shown on the same time scale.
The start of T 1 is defined by the rising edge of the clock. Partway through T 1
the CPU puts the address of the word it wants on the address lines. Because the
address is not a single value, like the clock, we cannot show it as a single line in
the figure; instead, it is shown as two lines, with a crossing at the time that the ad-
dress changes. Furthermore, the shading prior to the crossing indicates that the
shaded value is not important. Using the same shading convention, we see that the
contents of the data lines are not significant until well into T 3 .
Af ter t he address lines have had a chance to settle down to their new values,
MREQ and RD are asserted. The former indicates that memory (as opposed to an
I/O device) is being accessed, and the latter is asserted for reads and negated for
writes. Since the memory takes 15 nsec after the address is stable (partway into
the first clock cycle), it cannot provide the r eques ted data during T 2 . To tell the
CPU not to expect it, the memory asserts the WAIT line at the start of T 2 . This ac-
tion wil l inse rt wait states (extra bus cycles) until the memory is finished and
negates WAIT . In our example, one wait state ( T 2 ) has been inserted because the
memory is too slow. At the start of T 3 , wh en it is sure it will have the data during
the current cycle, the memory negates WAIT .
During the first half of T 3 , the memory puts the data onto the data lines. At the
falling edge of T 3 the CPU strobes (i.e., reads) the data lines, latching (i. e., stor ing)
the value in an internal register. Having read the data, the CPU negates MREQ and
RD . If need be, another memory cycle can begin at the next rising edge of the
clock. This sequence can be repeatedly indefinitely.
In the timing specification of Fig. 3-38(b), eight symbols that occur in the tim-
ing diagram are further clarified. T AD , for example, is the time interval between the
rising edge of the T 1 clock and the address lines being set. According to the timing
specification, T AD
4 nsec. This means that the CPU manufacturer guarantees that
during any read cycle, the CPU will output the address to be read within 4 nsec of
the midpoint of the rising edge of T 1 .
The timing specifications also require that the data be available on the data
lines at least T DS (2 nsec) before the falling edge of T 3 , to give it time to settle
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