Game Development Reference
In-Depth Information
You use the || operator here to determine which method the window.requestAnimationFrame name
refers to. If the first option isn't defined (for example, if you're dealing with an older browser), you
check any of the older names. If none of the optimized game-loop methods are available, you let
requestAnimationFrame point to a function that calls the window.setTimeout method. In JavaScript,
the window variable is a container of the global namespace. This means that you can call the
requestAnimationFrame method with or without the window variable in front of it. The call:
is equivalent to
The Painter3 example uses the optimized game-loop method to run the asset-loading loop as well
as the game loop, as follows:
Game.assetLoadingLoop = function () {
if (Game.spritesStillLoading > 0)
else {
And similarly, here is the mainLoop method in the Game object:
Game.mainLoop = function () {
Browsers handling things differently is a major challenge for JavaScript developers, even though a
lot of progress has been made toward standardization of how browsers execute JavaScript code.
When you develop JavaScript games, you'll probably encounter these differences in browsers at
some point. Therefore, always test your game on the most common browsers before releasing it!
Separating Generic Code from Game-Specific Code
Previously, you haven't made any distinction between code that can be used for many different
games and code that is specific to a single game. Some parts of the code that you've written, such
as the Game.mainLoop method, would probably be useful for other JavaScript games as well. The
same goes for all the code you've written to load sprites. Now that you've seen a way to split code
over different script files, you can use that to your advantage. By splitting generic code from code
that is specific to Painter, it will be easier to reuse that generic code later. If you would like to reuse
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