Game Development Reference
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Loading Game Assets the Right Way
In order to make sprite loading a little bit easier, let's add a method loadSprite to the Game object:
Game.loadSprite = function(imageName) {
var image = new Image();
image.src = imageName;
return image;
The code for loading the different sprites now becomes much shorter:
var sprFolder = "../../assets/Painter/sprites/";
sprites.background = Game.loadSprite(sprFolder + "spr_background.jpg");
sprites.cannon_barrel = Game.loadSprite(sprFolder + "spr_cannon_barrel.png");
sprites.cannon_red = Game.loadSprite(sprFolder + "spr_cannon_red.png");
sprites.cannon_green = Game.loadSprite(sprFolder + "spr_cannon_green.png");
sprites.cannon_blue = Game.loadSprite(sprFolder + "spr_cannon_blue.png");
However, the problem of dealing with the time it takes to load sprites is not solved yet. In order to
tackle this problem, the first thing you need to do is keep track of how many sprites you're loading.
You do this by adding a variable to the Game object, called spritesStillLoading :
var Game = {
spritesStillLoading : 0
Initially, this variable is set to the value 0. Every time you load a sprite, you increment the variable by 1.
Logically, you do this in the loadSprite method:
Game.loadSprite = function(imageName) {
var image = new Image();
image.src = imageName;
Game.spritesStillLoading += 1;
return image;
So now, every time you load a sprite, the spritesStillLoading variable is incremented. Next you
want to decrement this variable every time a sprite has finished loading. This can be done by using
an event-handler function. You assign this function to the variable onload in the image object. In the
body of that function, you decrement the variable. Here is the version of the loadSprite method that
adds the event handler:
Game.loadSprite = function (imageName) {
var image = new Image();
image.src = imageName;
Game.spritesStillLoading += 1;
image.onload = function () {
Game.spritesStillLoading -= 1;
return image;
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