Game Development Reference
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A Number of Different Alternatives
When there are multiple categories of values, you can find out with if instructions which case you're
dealing with. The second test is placed after the else of the first if instruction so that the second
test is executed only when the first test fails. A third test could be placed after the else of the
second if instruction, and so forth.
The following fragment determines within which age segment a player falls, so that you can draw
different player sprites:
if (age < 4)
Canvas2D.drawImage(sprites.babyPlayer, playerPosition, 0,
{ x : 0, y : 0 });
else if (age < 12)
Canvas2D.drawImage(sprites.youngPlayer, playerPosition, 0,
{ x : 0, y : 0 });
else if (age < 65)
Canvas2D.drawImage(sprites.adultPlayer, playerPosition, 0,
{ x : 0, y : 0 });
Canvas2D.drawImage(sprites.oldPlayer, playerPosition, 0,
{ x : 0, y : 0 });
After every else (except the last one) is another if instruction. For babies, the babyPlayer sprite is
drawn and the rest of the instructions are ignored (they're after the else , after all). Old players, on the
other hand, go through all the tests (younger than 4? younger than 12? younger than 65?) before you
conclude that you have to draw the oldPlayer sprite.
I used indentation in this program to indicate which else belongs to which if . When there are many
different categories, the text of the program becomes less and less readable. Therefore, as an
exception to the usual rule that instructions after the else should be indented, you can use a simpler
layout with such complicated if instructions:
if (age < 4)
Canvas2D.drawImage(sprites.babyPlayer, playerPosition, 0,
{ x : 0, y : 0 });
else if (age < 12)
Canvas2D.drawImage(sprites.youngPlayer, playerPosition, 0,
{ x : 0, y : 0 });
else if (age < 65)
Canvas2D.drawImage(sprites.adultPlayer, playerPosition, 0,
{ x : 0, y : 0 });
Canvas2D.drawImage(sprites.oldPlayer, playerPosition, 0, { x : 0, y : 0 });
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