Game Development Reference
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You also add a method addPair to the class, which finds the first occurrence of the value 7 in the
array and replaces it with the index that was passed along as a parameter:
PairList.prototype.addPair = function (index) {
var i = 0;
while (i < this._pairs.length && this._pairs[i] !== 7)
if (i < this._pairs.length)
this._pairs[i] = index;
This example uses a while instruction to increment the i variable until you find an empty spot.
Now you add a useful property to check whether the player has completed the level. The level is
completed if the list of pairs no longer contains any value of 7 (meaning all empty spots have been
replaced by a pair):
Object.defineProperty(PairList.prototype, "completed",
get: function () {
for (var i = 0, l = this._pairs.length; i < l; i++)
if (this._pairs[i] === 7)
return false;
return true;
Finally, you need to draw the pairs on the screen in the draw method. Here you use a for instruction
to traverse all the indices in the pair list. For each index, you draw the correct sprite at the
appropriate position. Note that you use the same sprite and simply draw it multiple times with
different sheet indices:
PairList.prototype.draw = function () {;
if (!this.visible)
for (var i = 0, l = this._pairs.length; i < l; i++) {
this._pairSprite.position = new Vector2(110 + i * this.height, 8);
this._pairSprite.sheetIndex = this._pairs[i];
The call to the base draw method ensures that the background frame is drawn first.
Now that you have the PairList class, you can create an instance of it in the Level class, add it to
the game world, a.n it near the top left of the screen:
var pairList = new PairList(levelData.nrPairs, ID.layer_overlays, ID.pairList);
pairList.position = new Vector2(20, 15);
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