Java Reference
In-Depth Information Testing for Client-Side Authorization Vulnerabilities
Role-based access control (RBAC) for Web applications is ideally performed by authorizing users
of the application to have access to certain sections of the application. Lower-privilege users have
access to certain pages and can perform certain actions and higher-privilege users have access to
certain other pages and privileged actions in the same Web application. If the authorization is not
driven from the server, where the server enforces authorization rules for subjects (users) to objects
(pages and actions) in the Web application, then an attacker can easily compromise the application
by means of privilege escalation. Several Web applications today rely excessively on JavaScript,
and authorization control is no diferent. Web applications rely on JavaScript to provide access to
users to pages and actions of the application. he JavaScript code authorizing users to Web pages
is as follows:
function Menu()
var UserRole=document.getElementById('userRole').value;
case 'elevatedPrivUser':
case 'lowerPrivUser':
case 'evenLowerPrivUser':
As we can see from the above code snippet, the menu is generated for each user based on the
JavaScript, and the number of pages visible to the user is based on the user privilege. All that the
tester has to do to access all pages and perform all actions as a higher-privilege user of the Web
application, in the above case, is to disable JavaScript in his/her browser.
Alternatively, the tester can also use browser add-ons like NoScript for Mozilla Firefox, which
disables JavaScript for certain pages and perform actions that may be done by higher-privilege
users. More information about a similar attack may be found on Abhay Bhargav's blog. * Testing for Flawed Business Logic
Implementation for Authorization
Business logic implementation for authorization is an intricate and very important aspect of
Web application security. Business logic implementation for authorization is not easy to assess
* he attack may be found at
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