Java Reference
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Application Data
Protection techniques
Data protection is the primary goal of an information security program. he conidentiality,
integrity, and availability of data need to be unscathed for an organization to carry out its busi-
ness smoothly. We will explore the various techniques and practices that may be applied for a
Java Web application, to secure the data that are stored, processed, and transmitted by the appli-
cation. his chapter will focus on the aspects of maintaining conidentiality and integrity of data
that are handled by the Java Web application. We will delve into the concepts of cryptography
and will also highlight the implementation strategies for the same with the new Java EE.
8.1 overview of Cryptography
8.1.1 Evolution of Cryptography
Cryptography —or cryptology , as it is sometimes referred to—can be deined as the practice and
study of hiding information. his is derived from two Greek words, k rypto (“hidden, secret”) and
grapho (“to write”). Cryptography involves rendering plaintext into an unreadable, undecipherable
format, through a method, in a way that only the intended recipient of the message can, using the
same method, convert the message from the unreadable format to the plaintext and read it.
he practice of cryptography dates back over 4000 years. It was used extensively for exchange of
secrets during war by generals and the military. One of the famous users of cryptography was Julius
Caesar, who developed his own encryption system, now popularly known as the Caesar Cipher .
he system of the Caesar Cipher depended on the substitution of the letters in the message. Each
letter was substituted for a letter three positions further. For instance, the word JAVA would be
encrypted/enciphered to MDYD . When another individual with knowledge of the Caesar Cipher
received this message, he would be able to decrypt the message by substituting each letter of the
message three spaces backward. In the present-day context, the Caesar Cipher is not considered
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