Information Technology Reference
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This code produces the following output:
Other important things to know about Main are the following:
￿ Main must always be declared static .
￿ Main can be declared in either a class or a struct.
A program can contain only one declaration of the four acceptable entry point forms of
Main . You can, however, legally declare other methods named Main , as long as they don't have
any of the four forms listed previously—but doing this is inviting confusion.
Accessibility of Main
Main can be declared public or private :
￿f Main is declared private , other assemblies cannot access it, and only the execution
environment can start the program.
￿f Main is declared public , other assemblies can call it and thereby start the program.
The execution environment, however, always has access to Main , regardless of its declared
access level, or the declared access level of the class or struct in which it is declared.
By default, when Visual Studio creates a project, it creates a program outline where Main is
implicitly private . You can always add the public modifier if you need to.
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