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The #if...#elif , and #if...#elif...#else constructs are illustrated in Figure 22-2.
￿In the #if...#elif construct, if Cond1 evaluates to true , CodeSection1 is compiled, and
compilation continues after the #endif .
-Otherwise, if Cond2 evaluates to true , CodeSection2 is compiled, and compilation
continues after the #endif .
This continues until either a condition evaluates to true , or all the conditions have
returned false . If that is the case, none of the code sections in the construct are
compiled, and compilation continues after the #endif .
￿The #if...#elif...#else construct works the same way, except that if no condition is
true , then the code section after the #else is then compiled, and compilation continues
after the #endif .
Figure 22-2. The #elif construct
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