Information Technology Reference
In-Depth Information
Here are some examples illustrating the rules.
No semicolon
#define PremiumVersion // OK
Space before
#define BudgetVersion // OK
# define MediumVersion // OK
Space between Delimited comments are not allowed.
#define PremiumVersion /* all bells & whistles */
End-of-line comments are fine.
#define BudgetVersion // Stripped-down version
The preprocessor directives are listed in Table 22-1.
Table 22-1. Preprocessor Directives
Summary of Meaning
#define identifier
Defines a compilation symbol.
#undef identifier
Undefines a compilation symbol.
#if expression
If the expression is true , compiles the following section.
#elif expression
If the expression is true , compiles the following section.
If the previous #if or #elif expression is false , compiles the following
Marks the end of an #if construct.
#region name
Marks the beginning of a region of code. Has no compilation effect.
#endregion name
Marks the end of a region of code. Has no compilation effect.
#warning message
Displays a compile-time warning message.
#error message
Displays a compile-time error message.
#line indicator
Changes the line numbers displayed in compiler messages.
#pragma text
Specifies information about the program context.
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