Information Technology Reference
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More about Iterators
Some other important things to know about iterators are the following:
Iterators require the System.Collections.Generic namespace, so you should include it
with a using directive.
In the compiler-generated enumerators, the Reset method is not supported. It is
implemented, since it is required by the interface, but the implementation throws a
System.NotSupportedException exception if it is called. Notice that the Reset method is
shown grayed out in Figure 20-8.
Behind the scenes, the enumerator class generated by the compiler is a state machine with
four states:
Before : The initial state before the first call to MoveNext .
Running : The state entered when MoveNext is called. While in this state, the enumerator
determines and sets the position for the next item. It exits the state when it encounters a
yield return , a yield break , or the end of the iterator body.
Suspended : The state where the state machine is waiting for the next call to MoveNext .
After : The state where there are no more items to enumerate.
If the state machine is in either the before or suspended states, and there is a call to the
MoveNext method, it goes into the running state. In the running state, it determines the next
item in the collection, and sets the position.
If there are more items, the state machine goes into the suspended state. If there are no
more items, it goes into the after state, where it remains. Figure 20-9 shows the state machine.
Figure 20-9. An iterator state machine
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