Information Technology Reference
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The statements in C# are very similar to those of C and C++. This section will introduce the gen-
eral form of statements; the specific statement forms will be covered in Chapter 9.
Simple Statements
A statement is a source code instruction describing a type or telling the program to perform an
￿A simple statement is terminated by a semicolon.
For example, the following code is a sequence of two simple statements. The first state-
ment defines a variable named var1 and initializes its value to 5 . The second statement prints
the value of variable var1 to the screen.
int var1 = 5;
System.Console.WriteLine("The value of var1 is {0}", var1);
A block is a sequence of zero or more statements enclosed by a matching set of curly braces; it
acts as a single syntactic statement.
You can create a block from the set of two statements in the preceding example by enclos-
ing the statements in matching curly braces, as shown in the following code:
int var1 = 5;
System.Console.WriteLine("The value of var1 is {0}", var1);
Some important things to know about blocks are the following:
You can use a block whenever the syntax requires a statement but the action you need
requires more than one simple statement.
Certain program constructs require blocks. In these constructs, you cannot substitute a
simple statement for the block.
Although a simple statement is terminated by a semicolon, a block is not followed by a
semicolon. (Actually, the compiler will allow it—but it's not good style.)
Terminating semicolon Terminating semicolon
int var2 = 5;
System.Console.WriteLine("The value of var1 is {0}", var1);
No terminating semicolon
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