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The is Operator
As shown previously, some conversion attempts are not successful, and raise an
InvalidCastException exception at run time. Instead of blindly attempting a conversion, you
can use the is operator to check whether a conversion would complete successfully.
The syntax of the is operator is the following, where Expr is the source expression:
Returns a bool
Expr is TargetType
The operator returns true if Expr can be successfully converted to the target type through
any of the following:
A reference conversion
A boxing conversion
An unboxing conversion
For example, in the following code, you use the is operator to check whether variable Bill
of type Employee can be converted to type Person , and then take the appropriate action.
class Employee : Person { }
class Person {
public string Name = "Anonymous";
public int Age = 25;
class Program {
static void Main()
Employee Bill = new Employee();
Person p;
// Check if variable Bill can be converted to type Person
if( Bill is Person ) {
p = Bill;
Console.WriteLine("Person Info: {0}, {1}", p.Name, p.Age);
The is operator can only be used for reference conversions and boxing and unboxing con-
versions. It cannot be used for user-defined conversions.
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