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Syntax of Anonymous Methods
The syntax of an anonymous method expression includes the following components:
￿The type keyword delegate .
￿The parameter list can be omitted if the statement block doesn't use any parameters.
￿The statement block contains the code of the anonymous method.
Keyword list Statement block
delegate ( Parameters ) { ImplementationCode }
Return Type
An anonymous method does not explicitly declare a return type. The behavior of the imple-
mentation code itself, however, must match the delegate's return type, by returning a value of
that type. If the delegate has a return type of void , then the anonymous method code cannot
return a value.
For example, in the following code the delegate's return type is int . The implementation
code of the anonymous method must therefore return an int on all pathways through the code.
Return type of delegate type
delegate int OtherDel(int InParam);
static void Main()
OtherDel del = delegate(int x)
return x + 20 ; // Returns an int
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