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Deleting Methods from a Delegate
You can also delete a method from a delegate, using the -= operator.
The following code shows the use of the -= operator. Figure 15-7 shows the result of this
code when applied to the delegate illustrated in Figure 15-6.
delVar -= SCl.m3; // Delete the method from the delegate.
Figure 15-7. Result of subtracting a method from a delegate
As with adding a method to a delegate, the resulting delegate is actually a new delegate.
The new delegate is a copy of the old delegate—but without the reference to the method that
was removed.
The following are some things to remember when removing methods:
If there are multiple entries for a method in the invocation list, the -= operator starts
searching at the bottom of the list and removes the first instance it finds of the matching
Attempting to delete a method that is not in the delegate has no effect.
Attempting to invoke an empty delegate throws an exception.
You can check whether a delegate's invocation list is empty by comparing the delegate
to null . If the invocation list is empty, the delegate is null .
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