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Compiling to the Common Intermediate Language
The compiler for a .NET language takes a source code file and produces an output file called an
assembly . In non-.NET terms, an assembly is either an executable or a DLL. The process is illus-
trated in Figure 1-3.
The code in the assembly is not native machine code, but an intermediate language
called the Common Intermediate Language ( CIL) .
Among other things, the assembly contains the following:
-The program's CIL
Metadata about the types used in the program
Metadata about references to other assemblies
Figure 1-3. The compilation process
The acronym for the intermediate language has changed over time. Other terms for the
CIL that you might encounter are IL (Intermediate Language), and MSIL (Microsoft Intermedi-
ate Language), which was used during initial development and early documentation.
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