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Array Covariance
Under certain conditions, you can assign an object to an array element even if the object is not
of the array's base type. This property is called covariance . You can use covariance if
The array is a reference type array.
There is an implicit or explicit conversion between the type of the object you are assign-
ing and the array's base type.
Since there is always an implicit conversion between a derived class and its base class, you
can always assign an object of a derived class to an array declared for the base class.
For example, the following code declares two classes, A and B , where class B derives from
class A . The last line shows covariance by assigning objects of type B to array elements of type
A . The memory layout for the code is shown in Figure 14-15.
class A { ... } // Base class
class B : A { ... } // Derived class
class Program {
static void Main() {
// Two arrays of type A[]
A[] AArray1 = new A[3];
A[] AArray2 = new A[3];
// Normal--assigning objects of type A to an array of type A
AArray1[0] = new A(); AArray1[1] = new A(); AArray1[2] = new A();
// Covariant--assigning objects of type B to an array of type A
AArray2[0] = new B(); AArray2[1] = new B(); AArray2[2] = new B();
Figure 14-15. Arrays showing covariance
Note There is no covariance for value type arrays.
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