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Jump Statements
When the flow of control reaches jump statements , program execution is unconditionally
transferred to another part of the program. The jump statements are the following:
￿ break
￿ continue
￿ return
￿ goto
￿ throw
This chapter covers the first four of these statements. The throw statement is discussed in
Chapter 11.
The break Statement
You have already seen the break statement earlier in this chapter—used in the switch state-
ment. But it can also be used in the following statement types as well:
￿ for
￿ foreach
￿ while
￿ do
￿ switch
In the body of one of these statements, break causes execution to exit the innermost
enclosing statement .
For example, the following while loop would be an infinite loop if it relied only on its test
expression, which is always true . But instead, after three iterations of the loop, the break state-
ment is encountered and the loop is exited.
int x = 0;
while( true )
if( x >= 3 )
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