Information Technology Reference
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The for Loop
The for loop construct executes the body of the loop, as long as the test expression returns true
when it is evaluated at the top of the loop. The syntax of the for loop is shown here and illus-
trated in Figure 9-8.
At the beginning of the for loop, Initializer is executed once.
￿ TestExpr is then evaluated.
￿ f t returns true , Statement is executed, followed by Iterator .
Control then returns to the top of the loop, and TestExpr is evaluated again.
As long as TestExpr returns true , Statement , followed by Iterator , will be executed.
As soon as TestExpr returns false , execution continues at the statement following
Statement .
Separated by semicolons
for( Initializer ; TestExpr ; Iterator )
Initializer , TestExpr , and Iterator are all optional. Their positions can be left blank.
The semicolons are required.
￿ f the TestExpr position is left blank, the test is assumed to return true . Therefore, there
must be some other method of exiting the statement if the program is to avoid going into
an infinite loop.
Figure 9-8. The for loop
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