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The switch Statement
The switch statement implements multi-way branching. The syntax and structure of the
switch statement are shown in Figure 9-3.
￿The switch statement contains zero or more switch sections .
￿Each switch section starts with one or more switch labels .
Figure 9-3. Structure of a switch statement
Switch labels have the following form:
case ConstantExpression :
Keyword Switch label terminator
The flow of control through the structure in Figure 9-3 is the following:
Test expression TestExpr is evaluated at the top of the construct.
If the value of TestExpr is equal to the value ConstExpr1 , the constant expression in the
first switch label, then the statements in the statement list following the switch label are
executed, until the break statement is encountered.
Each switch section must end with a break statement (or a goto statement, as discussed
￿The break statement branches execution to the end of the switch statement.
￿The default case is optional.
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