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For example, the following code reiterates and uses the two type conversion operators
defined previously. In Main , an int literal is converted into a LimitedInt object, and in the next
line, a LimitedInt object is converted into an int .
class LimitedInt
const int MaxValue = 100;
const int MinValue = 0;
public static implicit operator int(LimitedInt li) // Convert type
return li.TheValue;
public static implicit operator LimitedInt(int x) // Convert type
LimitedInt li = new LimitedInt();
li.TheValue = x;
return li;
private int _TheValue = 0;
public int TheValue // Property
get { return _TheValue; }
if (value < MinValue)
_TheValue = 0;
_TheValue = value > MaxValue
? MaxValue
: value;
class Program
static void Main() // Main
LimitedInt li = 5; // Convert 5 to LimitedInt
int Five = li; // Convert LimitedInt to int
Console.WriteLine("li: {0}, Five: {1}", li.TheValue, Five);
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