Information Technology Reference
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The integer literal suffixes are listed in Table 8-1. For a given suffix, the compiler will inter-
pret the string of digits as the smallest of the corresponding integer types that can represent the
value without losing data.
For example, take the literals 236 and 5000000000 , where neither of them has a suffix. Since
236 can be represented with 32 bits, it will be interpreted by the compiler as an int . The larger
number, however, will not fit into 32 bits, so it is interpreted as a long .
Table 8-1. Integer Literal Suffixes
Integer Type
int , uint , long , ulong
U , u
uint , ulong
L , l
long , ulong
Using the lowercase letter l is not recommended, as it is
easily mistaken for the digit 1 .
ul , uL , Ul , UL
lu , Lu , lU , LU
Using the lowercase letter l is not recommended, as it is
easily mistaken for the digit 1 .
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