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The following code implements this case. Notice the code in the last two lines of
method Main .
The first of the two statements calls the Print method by using a reference to the most-
derived class— SecondDerived . This is not calling through a reference to the base class
portion, so it will call the method implemented in SecondDerived .
The second statement, however, calls the Print method by using a reference to the base
class— MyBaseClass .
class SecondDerived : MyDerivedClass {
override public void Print() {
Console.WriteLine("This is the second derived class.");
class Program {
static void Main()
SecondDerived derived = new SecondDerived(); // Use SecondDerived.
MyBaseClass mybc = (MyBaseClass)derived; // Use MyBaseClass.
The result is that regardless of whether Print is called through the derived class or the base
class, the method in the most-derived class is called. When called through the base class, it is
passed up the inheritance hierarchy. This code produces the following output:
This is the second derived class.
This is the second derived class.
Figure 7-9. Execution is passed to the top of the chain of multiple levels of override.
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