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Static Constructors
Constructors can also be declared static . While an instance constructor initializes each new
instance of a class, a static constructor initializes items at the class level. Generally, static con-
structors initialize the static fields of the class.
Class level items need to be initialized
Before any static member is referenced
Before any instance of the class is created
Like instance constructors
The name of the static constructor must be the same as the name of the class.
The constructor cannot return a value.
Unlike instance constructors
Static constructors use the static keyword in the declaration.
There can only be a single static constructor for a class, and it cannot have
Static constructors cannot have accessibility modifiers.
The following is an example of a static constructor. Notice that its form is the same as that
of an instance constructor, but with the addition of the static keyword.
class Class1
static Class1 ()
... // Do all the static initializations.
Other important things you should know about static constructors are the following:
A class can have both static and instance constructors.
As with static methods, a static constructor cannot access non-static members of its
class, and therefore cannot use the this accessor.
Static constructors cannot be called by your program. They are called automatically by
the system
Before any instance of the class is created
Before any static member of the class is referenced
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