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Static Fields
Besides instance fields, classes can also have static fields .
A static field is shared by all the instances of the class.
With a static field, all the instances access the same memory location.
If the value of the memory location is changed by one instance, the change is visible
to all the instances.
￿The static modifier is used to declare a field static, as follows:
class D
int Mem1; // Instance field
static int Mem2; // Static field
For example, the code in Figure 6-3 declares class D with static field Mem2 and instance field
Mem1 . Main defines two instances of class D .
￿Because Mem2 is static, both instances of class D share a single Mem2 field.
￿ f Mem2 is changed in one instance, it is changed in the other as well.
￿Member Mem1 is not declared static , so each instance has its own copy.
Figure 6-3. Static and non-static data members
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