Database Reference
In-Depth Information
12.21 What is a slowly changing dimension?
12.22 Why is the time dimension important in a dimensional model?
12.23 What is a conformed dimension?
12.24 State the purpose of a reporting system.
12.25 What do the letters RFM stand for in RFM analysis?
12.26 Describe, in general terms, how to perform an RFM analysis.
12.27 Explain the characteristics of customers having the following RFM scores: {1 1 5},
{1 5 1}, {5 5 5}, {2 5 5}, {5 1 2}, {1 1 3}.
12.28 What does OLAP stand for?
12.29 What is the distinguishing characteristic of OLAP reports?
12.30 Define measure , dimension , and cube .
12.31 Give an example, other than one in this text, of a measure, two dimensions related to
your measure, and a cube.
12.32 What is drill down?
12.33 Explain how the OLAP report in Figure 12-23 differs from that in Figure 12-22.
12.34 What is the purpose of an OLAP server?
12.35 Define distributed database.
12.36 Explain one way to partition a database that has three tables: T1, T2, and T3.
12.37 Explain one way to replicate a database that has three tables: T1, T2, and T3.
12.38 Explain what must be done when fully replicating a database but allowing only one
computer to process updates.
12.39 If more than one computer can update a replicated database, what three problems can
12.40 What solution is used to prevent the problems in Review Question 12.39?
12.41 Explain what problems can occur in a distributed database that is partitioned but not
12.42 What organizations should consider using a distributed database?
12.43 Explain the meaning of the term object persistence.
12.44 In general terms, explain why relational databases are difficult to use for object
12.45 What does OODBMS stand for, and what is its purpose?
12.46 According to this chapter, why were OODBMSs not successful?
12.47 What is an object-relational database?
12.48 What is virtualization?
12.49 What is cloud computing?
12.50 What is Big Data?
12.51 What is the relationship between 1 MB of storage and 1EB of storage?
12.52 What is the NoSQL movement?
12.53 What were the first two nonrelational data stores to be developed, and who developed
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