Database Reference
In-Depth Information
SQL for Database Construction
and application Processing
Chapter Objectives
●  To create and manage table structures using SQL
●  To understand how referential integrity actions are
implemented in SQL statements
●  To create and execute SQL constraints
●  To understand several uses for SQL views
●  To use SQL statements to create, use, and manage views
●  To understand how SQL is used in application
●  To understand SQL/Persistent Stored Modules
●  To understand how to create and use functions
●  To understand how to create and use triggers
●  To understand how to create and use stored procedures
In Chapter 2, we introduced SQL and classi-
fied SQL statements into five categories:
●     Data definition language (DDL) statements, which
are used for creating tables, relationships, and other database
●  Data manipulation language (DML) statements, which are used for
querying, inserting, updating and deleting data.
●  SQL/Persistent stored modules (SQL/PSM) statements, which
extend SQL by adding procedural programming capabilities, such
as variables and flow-of-control statements, that provide some
programmability within the SQL framework.
●  Transaction control language (TCL) statements, which are used to
mark transaction boundaries and control transaction behavior.
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