Database Reference
In-Depth Information
Transforming Data Models
into Database Designs
Chapter Objectives
To understand how to transform data models into
database designs
To be able to identify primary keys and understand when
to use a surrogate key
To understand the use of referential integrity constraints
To understand the use of referential integrity actions
To be able to represent ID-dependent, 1:1, 1:N, and N:M
relationships as tables
To be able to represent weak entities as tables
To be able to represent supertype/subtypes as tables
To be able to represent recursive relationships as tables
To be able to represent ternary relationships as tables
To be able to implement referential integrity actions
required by minimum cardinalities
This chapter explains the transformation
of entity-relationship data models into relational
database designs. This transformation consists of
three primary tasks: (1) replacing entities and attributes with
tables and columns; (2) representing relationships and maximum cardi-
nalities by placing foreign keys; and (3) representing minimum cardinality by
defining actions to constrain activities on values of primary and foreign keys.
Steps 1 and 2 are relatively easy to understand and accomplish; step 3
may be easy or difficult, depending on the minimum cardinality type. In this
chapter, we will create database designs, and we will implement a database
design in Chapter 7 when we build a database using SQL DDL and DML.
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