Database Reference
In-Depth Information
When databases are developed as part of a new information
systems project, the database design is accomplished in two
phases. First, a data model is constructed from forms, re-
ports, data sources, and other requirements. The data model
is then transformed into a database design. A data model is a
blueprint for a database design. Like blueprints for buildings,
data models can be altered as necessary, with little effort.
Once the database is constructed, however, such alterations
are time consuming and very expensive.
The most prominent data model in use today is the
entity-relationship, or E-R, data model. It was invented by
Peter Chen and extended by others to include subtypes. An
entity is something that users want to track. An entity class
is a collection of entities of the same type and is described by
the structure of the entities in the class. An entity instance
is one entity of a given class. Entities have attributes that
describe their characteristics. Identifiers are attributes that
name entity instances. Composite identifiers consist of two
or more attributes.
The E-R model includes relationships, which are associ-
ations among entities. Relationship classes are associations
among entity classes, and relationship instances are asso-
ciations among entity instances. Today, relationships are not
allowed to have attributes. Relationships can be given names
so that they can be identified.
The degree of a relationship is the number of entity
types that participate in the relationship. Binary relation-
ships have only two entity types. In practice, relationships
of degrees greater than two are decomposed into multiple
binary relationships.
The difference between an entity and a table is that you
can express an entity relationship without specifying foreign
keys. Working with entities reduces complexity and makes it
easier to revise the data model as work progresses.
Relationships are classified according to their cardi-
nality. Maximum cardinality is the maximum number of
instances that can participate in a relationship instance.
Minimum cardinality is the least number of entities that
must participate in a relationship.
Relationships commonly have one of three maximum
cardinalities: 1:1, 1:N, or N:M. In rare instances, a maxi-
mum cardinality might be a specific number, such as 1:15.
Relationships commonly have one of four basic minimum
cardinalities: optional to optional, mandatory to optional,
optional to mandatory, or mandatory to mandatory. In rare
cases, the minimum cardinality is a specific number.
Unfortunately, many variations of the E-R model are
in use. The original version represented relationships with
diamonds. The Information Engineering version uses a line
with a crow's foot, the IDEF1X version uses another set of
symbols, and UML uses yet another set. To add further com-
plication, many data modeling products have added their
own symbols. In this text, we will use the IE Crow's Foot
model with symbols, as summarized in Figure 5-14. Other
models and techniques are summarized in Appendices B, C,
D, and H.
An ID-dependent entity is an entity whose identifier
includes the identifier of another entity. Such entities use an
identifying relationship. In such relationships, the parent is
always required, but the child (the ID-dependent entity) may
or may not be required, depending on application require-
ments. Identifying relationships are shown with solid lines in
E-R diagrams.
A weak entity is an entity whose existence depends on
the presence of another entity. All ID-dependent entities
are weak. Additionally, some entities are weak but not ID-
dependent. Some people believe such entities are not impor-
tant; others believe they are.
A subtype entity is a special case of another entity
called its supertype. Subtypes may be exclusive or inclusive.
Exclusive subtypes sometimes have discriminators, which
are attributes that specify a supertype's subtype. The most
important (and perhaps only) reason for creating subtypes in
a data model is to avoid value-inappropriate nulls.
A relationship between an entity and itself is a recursive
relationship. Recursive relationships can be 1:1, 1:N or N:M.
Relationships among nonsubtype entities are called
HAS-A relationships. Relationships among supertype/sub-
type entities are called IS-A relationships.
The elements of a data model are constructed by analyz-
ing forms, reports, and data sources. Many forms and reports
fall into common patterns. In this text, we discussed the 1:1,
1:N, and N:M strong entity patterns. We also discussed three
patterns that use ID-dependent relationships: association,
multivalue attribute, and version/instance. Some forms in-
volve mixed identifying and nonidentifying patterns. Line
items are the classic example of mixed forms, but there are
other examples as well.
The for-use-by pattern indicates the need for subtypes.
In some cases, subtypes differ because they have different at-
tributes, but they also can differ because they have different
relationships. The data modeling process is iterative. Forms
and reports are analyzed, and the data model is created,
modified, and adjusted as necessary. Sometimes the analysis
of a form or report will require that earlier work be redone.
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