Database Reference
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4.13 According to this text, under what situations should you choose not to remove multi-
valued dependencies from a relation?
4.14 Compare the difficulty of writing subqueries and joins with the difficulty of dealing
with anomalies caused by multivalued dependencies.
4.15 Describe three uses for a read-only database.
4.16 How does the fact that a read-only database is never updated influence the reasons for
4.17 For read-only databases, how persuasive is the argument that normalization reduces
file space?
4.18 What is denormalization?
4.19 Suppose you are given the DEPARTMENT and EMPLOYEE tables in Review Question
4.10 and asked to denormalize them into the EMPLOYEE_DEPARTMENT relation.
Show the design of the EMPLOYEE_DEPARTMENT relation. Write an SQL statement
to fill this table with data.
4.20 Summarize the reasons for creating customized duplicated tables.
4.21 Why are customized duplicated tables not used for updatable databases?
4.22 List four common design problems when creating databases from existing data.
4.23 Give an example of a multivalue, multicolumn table other than one discussed in this
4.24 Explain the problems caused by the multivalue, multicolumn table in your example in
Review Question 4.23.
4.25 Show how to represent the relation in your answer to Review Question 4.23 with two
4.26 Show how the tables in your answer to Review Question 4.25 solve the problems you
identified in Review Question 4.24.
4.27 Explain the following statement: “The multivalue, multicolumn problem is just an-
other form of multivalued dependency.” Show how this is so.
4.28 Explain ways in which inconsistent values arise.
4.29 Why are inconsistent values in foreign keys particularly troublesome?
4.30 Describe two ways to identify inconsistent values. Are these techniques certain to find
all inconsistent values? What other step can be taken?
4.31 What is a null value?
4.32 How does a null value differ from a blank value?
4.33 What are three interpretations of null values? Use an example in your answer that is
different from the one in this topic.
4.34 Show SQL for determining the number of null values in the column EmployeeFirstName
of the table EMPLOYEE.
4.35 Describe the general-purpose remarks column problem.
4.36 Give an example in which the general-purpose remarks column makes it difficult to
obtain values for a foreign key.
4.37 Give an example in which the general-purpose remarks column causes difficulties
when multiple values are stored in the same column. How is this problem solved?
4.38 Why should one be wary of general-purpose remarks columns?
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