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with referential integrity constraints:
SKU_DATA_4.Buyer must exist in BUYER_2.Buyer
BUYER_2.Department must exist in DEPARTMENT.Department
The functional dependencies from all three of these tables are:
Department S DeptBudgetCode
DeptBudgetCode S Department
Buyer S Department
SKU S (SKU_Description, Buyer)
SKU_Description S (SKU, Buyer)
At last, every determinant is a candidate key, and all three of the tables are in BCNF. The result-
ing relations from these operations are shown in Figure 3-27.
eliminating Anomalies from Multivalued Dependencies
All of the anomalies in the last section were due to functional dependencies, and when we
normalize relations to BCNF, we eliminate these anomalies. However, anomalies can also arise
from another kind of dependency—the multivalued dependency. A multivalued dependency
occurs when a determinant is matched with a particular set of values.
Examples of multivalued dependencies are:
EmployeeName S S EmployeeDegree
EmployeeName S S EmployeeSibling
PartKitName S S Part
Figure 3-27
the Normalized
DEPartMENt, BUYEr_2,
and SKU_Data_4 relations
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