Database Reference
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G. Determine the maximum and minimum InsuredValue.
h. Determine the average InsuredValue.
I. Count the number of shipments.
J. Show ItemID, Description, Store, and a calculated column named USCurrencyAmount
that is equal to LocalCurrencyAmount multiplied by the ExchangeRate for all rows of
K. Group item purchases by City and Store.
L. Count the number of purchases having each combination of City and Store.
M. Show the ShipperName, ShipmentID and DepartureDate of all shipments that have
an item with a value of $1,000.00 or more. Use a subquery. Present results sorted by
ShipperName in ascending order and then DepartureDate in descending order.
N. Show the ShipperName, ShipmentID, and DepartureDate of all shipments that have
an item with a value of $1,000.00 or more. Use a join. Present results sorted by
ShipperName in ascending order and then DepartureDate in descending order.
O. Show the ShipperName, ShipmentID, and DepartureDate of the shipment for
items that were purchased in Singapore. Use a subquery. Present results sorted by
ShipperName in ascending order and then DepartureDate in descending order.
P. Show the ShipperName, ShipmentID, and DepartureDate of all shipments that have
an item that was purchased in Singapore. Use a join, but do not use JOIN ON syntax.
Present results sorted by ShipperName in ascending order and then DepartureDate in
descending order.
Q. Show the ShipperName, ShipmentID, and DepartureDate of all shipments that have an
item that was purchased in Singapore. Use a join using JOIN ON syntax. Present results
sorted by ShipperName in ascending order and then DepartureDate in descending
R. Show the ShipperName, ShipmentID, the DepartureDate of the shipment, and Value
for items that were purchased in Singapore. Use a combination of a join and a subquery.
Present results sorted by ShipperName in ascending order and then DepartureDate in
descending order.
S. Show the ShipperName, ShipmentID, the DepartureDate of the shipment, and Value for
items that were purchased in Singapore. Also show the ShipperName, ShipmentID, and
DepartureDate for all other shipments. Present results sorted by Value in ascending
order, then ShipperName in ascending order, and then DepartureDate in descending
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