Database Reference
In-Depth Information
2.42 Write an SQL statement to display the SKU, SKU_Description, WarehouseID,
WarehouseCity, and WarehouseState of all items not stored in the Atlanta, Bangor, or
Chicago warehouse. Do not use the NOT IN keyword.
2.43 Write an SQL statement to display the SKU, SKU_Description, WarehouseID,
WarehouseCity, and WarehouseState of all items not stored in the Atlanta, Bangor, or
Chicago warehouse. Use the NOT IN keyword.
2.44 Write an SQL statement to produce a single column called ItemLocation that com-
bines the SKU_Description, the phrase “is in a warehouse in”, and WarehouseCity. Do
not be concerned with removing leading or trailing blanks.
2.45 Write an SQL statement to show the SKU, SKU_Description, and WarehouseID for all
items stored in a warehouse managed by 'Lucille Smith'. Use a subquery.
2.46 Write an SQL statement to show the SKU, SKU_Description, and WarehouseID for all
items stored in a warehouse managed by 'Lucille Smith'. Use a join, but do not use JOIN
ON syntax.
2.47 Write an SQL statement to show the SKU, SKU_Description, and WarehouseID for all
items stored in a warehouse managed by 'Lucille Smith'. Use a join using JOIN ON syntax.
2.48 Write an SQL statement to show the WarehouseID and average QuantityOnHand of all
items stored in a warehouse managed by 'Lucille Smith'. Use a subquery.
2.49 Write an SQL statement to show the WarehouseID and average QuantityOnHand of all
items stored in a warehouse managed by 'Lucille Smith'. Use a join, but do not use JOIN
ON syntax.
2.50 Write an SQL statement to show the WarehouseID and average QuantityOnHand of all
items stored in a warehouse managed by 'Lucille Smith'. Use a join using JOIN ON syntax.
2.51 Write an SQL statement to display the WarehouseID, the sum of QuantityOnOrder, and
the sum of QuantityOnHand, grouped by WarehouseID and QuantityOnOrder. Name
the sum of QuantityOnOrder as TotalItemsOnOrder and the sum of QuantityOnHand
as TotalItemsOnHand.
2.52 Write an SQL statement to show the WarehouseID, WarehouseCity, WarehouseState,
Manager, SKU, SKU_Description, and QuantityOnHand of all items with a Manager of
'Lucille Smith'. Use a join.
2.53 Explain why you cannot use a subquery in your answer to Review Question 2.51.
2.54 Explain how subqueries and joins differ.
2.55 Write an SQL statement to join WAREHOUSE and INVENTORY and include all rows of
WAREHOUSE in your answer, regardless of whether they have any INVENTORY. Run
this statement.
Project Questions
For this set of project questions, we will extend the Microsoft access database for
the Wedgewood Pacific Corporation (WPC) that we created in Chapter 1. Founded
in 1957 in Seattle, Washington, WPC has grown into an internationally recognized
organization. The company is located in two buildings. One building houses the
administration, accounting, Finance, and human Resources departments, and the
second houses the Production, Marketing, and Information Systems departments.
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