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According to the above context, the TCOPF tool takes a similar role to an ancil-
lary service provider, sending operating signals based on the grid conditions and the
status of the connected embedded technologies. Thus, in this study the TCOPF tool
can be viewed as a body that enables demand response strategies. Demand response
refers to 'deliberate load control during times of system need, such as periods of peak
demand or high market prices, creating in this manner a balance between supply and
demand' [33]. Overall, these types of services are valuable because of the reserve
capacity they offer and the possibility it gives on deferring the need for network
reinforcement [21].
For the aggregator body to be implemented and functional it needs a com-
munication architecture similar to the one described in Figure 5.2, thus strongly
relying on wireless internet and global positioning system (GPS) services [126].
Although designing the aggregator's communication architecture is not covered in
this research, the figure shows the main elements that could constitute an effective
monitoring and control of DERs. This structure would thus allow the coordinating
aggregator to guarantee back-up capacity services. A scheme in this theme would
also serve to integrate intermittent renewable sources to the grid. This 'flexible
capacity' would be determined by frequently checking available DER units and con-
sequently making the energy available through the day-ahead power market. Once
in place, the aggregator would promptly communicate with utilities and connected
DERs via a resilient data link, such as an internet protocol with sufficient low-
latency and bandwidth, making it possible to send or receive commands whenever
necessary [52].
Global coordinator
calculates and issues
demand response
gives grid
provides a
resilient data link
Power market
gives spot and
carbon prices
P G phev
agree to provide
demand response
Electric vehicles
give driving profile
and state of charge of
the battery
Figure 5.2
Agents needed to coordinate PHEV and CHP technologies for demand
response services [126]
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