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Figure 3.4 Radial curves extraction: left image illustrates the intersection between the face surface and
a plan to form two radial curves. The collection of radial curves is illustrated on the right image
results of Michor and Mumford (2006) and Yezzi and Mennucci (2005) show the efficiency
of this approach for 2D curves. Joshi et al. (2007) have recently proposed a generalization of
this work to the case of curves defined in
n . We will adapt this work to our problem since
3 .
our 3D curves are defined in
3.5.1 Shape Representation
We start by considering a curve
3 . Although there are several ways to analyze shapes
of curves, an elastic analysis of the parametrized curves is particularly appropriate in our
Figure 3.5
Radial curves extraction: facial expression
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