Graphics Reference
In-Depth Information
Figure 1.8 The results of motion capture approach, proposed by Furukawa and Ponce (2009), form
multiple synchronized video streams based on regularization adapted to nonrigid tangential deformation.
From left to right, a sample input image, reconstructed mesh model, estimated notion and a texture
mapped model for one frame with interesting structure/motion for each dataset 1, 2, and 3. The right two
columns show the results in another interesting frame. Copyright C
2009, IEEE
adjacent rectified viewpoints. Observing that the difference in projection between the views
causes distortions of the comparison windows, the most prominent distortions of this kind
are compensated by a scaled-window matching technique. The resulting depth images are
converted to 3D points and fused into a single dense point cloud. Then, a triangular mesh
from the initial point cloud is reconstructed through three steps: the original point cloud is
downsampled using hierarchical vertex clustering (Schaefer and Warren, 2003). Outliers and
small-scale high frequency noise are removed on the basis of the Plane Fit Criterion proposed
by Weyrich et al. (2004) and a point normal filtering inspired by Amenta and Kil (2004),
respectively. A triangle mesh is generated without introducing excessive smoothing using
lower dimensional triangulation methods Gopi et al. (2000).
At the last stage, in order to consistently track geometry and texture over time, a single
reference mesh from the sequence is chosen. A sequence of compatible meshes without holes is
explicitly computed. Given the initial per-frame reconstructions G t , a set of compatible meshes
M t is generated that has the same connectivity as well as explicit vertex correspondence. To
create high quality renderings, per-frame texture maps T t that capture appearance changes,
such as wrinkles and sweating of the face, are required. Starting with a single reference mesh
M 0 , generated by manually cleaning up the first frame G 0 , dense optical flow on the video
images is computed and used in combination with the initial geometric reconstructions G t to
automatically propagate M 0 through time. At each time step, a high quality 2D face texture T t
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