Biology Reference
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Figure 1.10, cont'd
An. superpictus ) ( Guerra et al., 2008 ; Sinka et al., 2010a ). The interaction
between vector lifespan and the length of the sporogonic cycle was modelled
for each pixel of the temperature suitability grid ( Fig. 1.5 ), so that pixels in
which there was no time during the year that sporogony could be completed
were classified as being at no risk for P. vivax transmission ( Fig. 1.10 A3-D3).
A second environmental driver of suitability for P. vivax transmission
is availability of sufficient moisture. A mask of aridity was used to exclude
areas where arid conditions would preclude anopheline survival at all life
stages ( Shililu et al., 2004 ; Gray and Bradley, 2005 ). Arid areas were identified
using the global GlobCover Land Cover product (ESA/ESA GlobCover
Project, led by MEDIAS-France/POSTEL) ( Bicheron et al., 2008 ). The
aridity mask ( Fig. 1.6 ) was treated differently from the temperature mask
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