Biology Reference
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An. campestris Reid No
P. vivax (VK210) was detected in specimens collected in Thailand ( Coleman
et al., 2002 ).
An. dirus complex
P. vivax circumsporozoite proteins have been detected in an An. dirus specimen
collected in Thailand ( Baker et al., 1987 ). The vectorial capacity of An. dirus
for P. vivax has been estimated ( Prakash et al., 2001 ). Experimental infection
from humans ( Wirtz et al., 1985 ), monkeys ( Collins et al., 2009 ) and mem-
brane feeding has been shown ( Coleman et al., 2004 ; Junkum et al., 2005 ).
An. donaldi Reid
P. vivax circumsporozoite proteins have been detected in An. donaldi speci-
mens sampled in Malaysia ( Seng et al., 1999 ). An. donaldi was success-
fully infected with P. vivax and P. falciparum sporozoites in the lab and was
capable of transmitting both species to man ( Hardin et al., 1973 ; Harrison
and Scanlon, 1975 ).
An. hodgkini Reid
P. vivax was detected in specimens collected in Thailand (VK247) ( Coleman
et al., 2002 ).
An. karwari (James)
P. vivax circumsporozoite proteins in An. karwari specimens collected in
Thailand ( Frances et al., 1996 ).
An. kochi Dönitz
Wild P. vivax- infected An. kochi mosquitoes were found in Assam, India
( Prakash et al., 2004 ).
An. lesteri Baisas
& Hu (synony-
mous with
An. anthropophagus
Xu & Feng)
An. lesteri ( An. anthropophagus ) were experimentally infected with P. vivax from
humans in Republic of Korea ( Shin et al., 2002 ). Human laboratory feed-
ings showed An. lesteri to be a highly competent vector ( Joshi et al., 2009 ).
An. letifer
Specimens collected in Sarawak, Malaysia were found to be sporozoite posi-
tive and although the species of the parasite was not identified, >90% of
the malaria infections in the region at the time were due to P. vivax ( Chang
et al., 1997 ). Implied transmission, but with no direct evidence, is described
in other references ( Rahman et al., 1997 ; Fryauff et al., 1998 ).
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