Biology Reference
In-Depth Information
Figure 1.9, cont'd The global distribution of the main dominant vector species is shown
in Panel A alongside the predicted endemicity of P. vivax in 2010. The distribution of
the primary vector species are also shown at the regional level: Asia (B), Asia-Pacific (C),
the Americas (D) and Africa+ (non-endemic countries are shaded white). The legend for
Africa+ is disaggregated in to Africa and the Middle east because only the primary vec-
tor species in Africa are shown in the map. For colour version of this figure, the reader is
referred to the online version of this topic.
Thailand and parts of China with stable vivax transmission would improve
the certainty of Pv PR 1-99 predictions for the area as a whole. Regions with
low endemicity and high density of surveys, such as Afghanistan, Cambodia
and the small region with stable transmission in Turkey, were predicted with
high certainty. The population-weighted uncertainty map differs substan-
tially for parts of this region ( Fig. 1.4 A2). Incorporating population esti-
mates allows weighting to highlight areas where high uncertainty and large
populations coincide. Thus, sparsely populated areas of Myanmar, Thailand,
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