Biology Reference
In-Depth Information
Figure 1.8 Population surfaces for 2010 in Asia, Asia-Pacific, the Americas and
Africa+. Population estimates in Asia (A), Asia-Pacific (B), the Americas (C) and Africa+
(D) were estimated from the GRUMP beta 2000 data ( Balk et al., 2006 ; CIESIN/IFPRI/WB/
CIAT, 2007 ) and are shown here at 0.0083 × 0.0083 decimal degree resolution (0.0083
decimal degrees is approximately equal to 1  km at the equator). Only the Pv MECs in
each region are shown in colour. For a colour version of this figure, the reader is referred
to the online version of this topic.
epidemiologically important vectors, and by far the largest populations at
risk. A low prevalence of Duffy negativity and high population densities in
many of the endemic countries in Asia make it an important global P. vivax
transmission setting to understand and the vast majority (84%) of the global
PAR of stable P. vivax transmission live in this region.
Defining the limits of transmission . API data were available for all coun-
tries except Uzbekistan and Democratic People's Republic of Korea (Korea
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