Biology Reference
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No other infectious disease so seriously impacting so many people
as vivax malaria requires reliance upon such poor chemotherapeutic tools
and strategies unimproved in over 60 years. Over the past 20 years, P. vivax
has developed resistance to chloroquine, which has spread over most vivax-
endemic regions and in some places, has already achieved dominance over
sensitive strains. The radical cure of hypnozoite stages threatens dangerous
toxicity as prescribed, and poor evidence of contemporary therapeutic effi-
cacy further inhibits access to this essential therapy. The research commu-
nity has ignored safe and effective anti-relapse therapy for those at greatest
risk. The inadequate chemotherapeutics for vivax malaria in residents of
endemic zones exacerbates the morbidity and associated mortality of this
infection and deeply undermines efforts to eliminate it. This chapter out-
lines the rationale and nature of further investigations aimed at mitigating
the serious deficiencies in the diagnosis and treatment of P. vivax .
Agarwal, R., Nath, A., Gupta, D., 2007. Noninvasive ventilation in Plasmodium vivax related
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Alving, A.S., Craige Jr., B., Pullman, T.N., Whorton, C.M., Jones, R.J., et al., 1948. Procedures
used at Stateville penitentiary for the testing of potential antimalarial agents. J. Clin.
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Alving, A.S., Eichelberger, L., Arnold, J., Edgcomb, J., 1949. The clinical testing of antima-
larial drugs at Stateville Penitentiary: semi annual report 1948-49. NIH Malaria Report
No 87 USPHS Antimalarial Grant No 198.
Alving, A.S., Arnold, J., Hockwald, R.S., Clayman, C.B., Dern, R.J., et al., 1955. Potentiation
of the curative action of primaquine in vivax malaria by quinine and chloroquine. J. Lab.
Clin. Med. 46, 301-306.
Alving, A.S., Rucker, K., Flanagan, C.L., et al., 1959. Observations of primaquine in the
prophylaxis and cure of vivax malaria. In: Proceedings of the 6th International Congress
on Tropical Medicine and Malaria 7: 203-209.
Alving, A.S., Johnson, C.F., Tarlov, A.R., Brewer, G.J., Kellermeyer, R.W., et al., 1960. Mitiga-
tion of the haemolytic effect of primaquine and enhancement of its action against exo-
erythrocytic forms of the Chesson strain of Plasmodium vivax by intermittent regimens
of drug administration: a preliminary report. Bull. World Health Organ. 22, 621-631.
Arinaitwe, E., Sandison, T.G., Wanzira, H., Kakuru, A., Homsy, J., et al., 2009. Artemether-
lumefantrine versus dihydroartemisinin-piperaquine for falciparum malaria: a longitu-
dinal, randomized trial in young Ugandan children. Clin. Infect. Dis. 49, 1629-1637.
Arnold, J., Alving, A.S., Hockwald, R.S., Clayman, C.B., Dern, R.J., et al., 1954. The effect of
continuous and intermittent primaquine therapy on the relapse rate of Chesson strain
vivax malaria. J. Lab. Clin. Med. 44, 429-438.
Arnold, J., Alving, A.S., Hockwald, R.S., Clayman, C.B., Dern, R.J., et al., 1955. The anti-
malarial action of primaquine against the blood and tissue stages of falciparum malaria
(Panama, P-F-6 strain). J. Lab. Clin. Med. 46, 391-397.
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