Geoscience Reference
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Averaged over the growth season, the heat conduction
equation is written as
W - BT G is the net longwave flux F LW derived from an exter-
nally specified downwelling flux F LW minus the upwelling
flux F LW given by the Stefan-Boltzmann (SB) equation lin-
earized around 0 ° c: F LW↑ = A + BT G , with A and B the value
and derivative of the equation at 0 ° c (320 W m -2 and 4.6 W
m -2 k -1 , respectively). W is defined by W = F LW↓ - A so that
the net flux is F LW = F LW↓ - ( A + BT G ) = W - BT G .
the heat conduction equation is complemented by an
annual mean surface energy budget in which the heat loss
during ice growth is balanced by heat gain over the melt
W BT G = kT G / h .
Here h and T G are the growth season mean ice thickness and
surface temperature, k is the thermal conductivity of sea ice
(2 W m -1 c -1 ), and the conductive heat flux F cond is approxi-
mated as k
z ≈ − kT G / h , where the seasonal average
of ( T/h ) is approximated by the ratio of the seasonal averages
of T and h (variables and values are also given in table 1).
T G /
W G ( W BT G ) + W M S = 0 .
Table 1. Definitions of Variables Used in Text
S , the average melt season net surface energy flux, is the sum
of F SW and F LW = F LW↓ - A , since melting is assumed to occur
at 0 ° c (here F LW↓ refers to the downwelling longwave flux
averaged over the melt season, which is, of course, different
from F LW↓ used in the definition of W , which is averaged
over the ice growth season). Also, the heat capacity is ig-
nored so that the ice warms up to 0 ° c at the start of the sunlit
portion of the year.
the implications of (1) and (2) can be understood by
plotting contours of constant S and W in the ( h , T G ) plane, as
shown in Figure 2. For fixed W , F cond ® 0 as T G ® W / B since
the net longwave flux from the ice is zero when T G = W / B .
With a nonzero surface temperature F cond ® 0 requires h ®
since a small net surface flux must be matched by a small
conductive flux, which requires large h . (1) and (2) can be
combined to obtain S = - kT G / h ⋅ (τ G / τ M ) , so that contours of
constant S are straight lines emanating from the origin. the
intersection of S and W contours at point A represents a valid
climate state in which energy balance and flux continuity are
both satisfied.
the dashed curves in figure 2 show the sensitivity of h
and T G to 20 W m -2 changes in W and S . It is clear that h
is considerably more sensitive to a decrease in S (compare
h values at A and B ) than to an equivalent decrease in W
(compare h at A and C ). the larger sensitivity to S can be
understood as a consequence of the fact that T = 0 during ice
melt, so that the ice cannot compensate for changes in the
imposed energy flux by adjusting its summer temperature.
Instead, a reduction in S must be compensated by a reduction
in the net winter surface flux W - BT G , which must become
smaller as S is reduced. As stated above, a small net flux
means a small conductive flux which requires large h . Hold-
ing W fixed while reducing net flux by δ S means moving to
the right along the W curve in figure 2, on which h increases
without bound as the net flux approaches zero.
on the other hand, if S is held fixed while W is reduced,
the net winter flux (the left hand side of (1)) must remain
constant Value
If Any
upwelling longwave radia-
tion at 0°c
320 W m -2
derivative of Stefan-
Boltzmann equation
at 0°c
4.6 W m -2 k -1
F LW , F SW ,
and F SL
surface net longwave, short-
wave, and turbulent fluxes
upwelling and
downwelling fluxes
F ¯, F
mean sea ice thickness
h D
sea ice thickness
calculated from surface
fluxes by (4)
thermal conductivity of sea
2 W m -1 ° c -1
latent heat of fusion
3.34 × 10 5 J kg -1
ice growth season
longwave atmospheric opti-
cal depth
annual mean surface energy
budget residual in W m -2
net surface heat flux
during the melt season
S +  R M + τ G ) / τ M
mean surface temperature
for ice growth season
V ®
sea ice velocity
net surface heat flux
during ice growth season
surface albedo
r L ∇⋅ V ® in (6)
sea ice density
917 kg m -3
5.67 × 10 -8 W m -2 k -4
τ G
length of ice growth season
8 months
τ M
length of ice melt season
4 months
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