Geoscience Reference
In-Depth Information
Plate 1. Map of four polar bear ecoregions defined by grouping recognized subpopulations which share seasonal pat-
terns of ice motion and distribution. The polar basin divergent ecoregion (PBDE) (purple) includes Southern Beaufort
Sea (SBS), Chukchi Sea (CS), laptev Sea (lVS), kara Sea (kS), and the Barents Sea (BS). The polar basin convergent
ecoregion (PBCE) (blue) includes East Greenland (EG), Queen Elizabeth (QE), and Northern Beaufort Sea (NBS). The
seasonal ice ecoregion (SIE) (green) includes southern hudson Bay (ShB), western hudson Bay (WhB), Foxe Basin
(FB), Davis Strait (DS), and Baffin Bay (BB). The archipelago ecoregion (AE) (yellow) includes Gulf of Boothia (GB),
M'Clintock Channel (MC), Lancaster Sound (LS), Viscount-Melville Sound (VM), Norwegian Bay (NW), and Kane
Basin (kB).
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