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simulations as probability distributions of the sea ice cover-
age that are possible for the given forcing. This is consistent
with the results of Holland et al. [this volume], who found
that the frequency of sea ice extent variance changes with
the mean state. The identified minimum events indicate the
susceptibility of the Arctic to seasonally ice-free conditions
under postindustrial anthropogenic forcing. Notwithstanding
known climate model deficiencies, the control simulation in
this context suggests that Arctic sea ice extent anomalies of
the magnitude observed in the September 2007 minimum
are plausible under 1990 forcing conditions. It is reasonable
then to conclude that more severe anomalies are achieva-
ble with more acute forcing conditions that are in excess of
those of 1990.
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Acknowledgments. The authors thank robert Newton and two
anonymous reviews for their help in the manuscript revision. Out-
put fields of the ccSm3 model were obtained from the National
Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR). NCAR is sponsored by
the National Science Foundation. HadISST1 monthly sea ice fields
were obtained from the uK met Office Hadley centre. Surface en-
ergy flux data from the SHeBA field study were obtained from the
Polar Science Center at the Applied Physics Laboratory, Univer-
sity of Washington. This research was sponsored by the National
Science Foundation under grant Arc-05-20496 and an NSerc
Discovery Grant awarded to the second author. This is contribu-
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